Don’t just focus on planning the wedding party but prepare for your actual relationship.
Did You Know?
1. Couples who had premarital counseling have a 30% higher marital success rate than those who did not.
2. That 1 in 3 American Muslim couples get divorced due to lack of preparation and ability to resolve issues?
Tune in for free tips on relationships.
Starting a courtship should be an exciting and joyful time. It should not be a time of confusion, pressure, guilt or impatience. It should be a time of joy, mercy and union of souls and body.
After the honeymoon phase the “pixie dust settles and we start to face real issues or things we never knew or saw before. We may think we are "not in love anymore." Often we just didn’t get the right training and tools to ensure a successful marriage.
To help prevent this from happening, our Premarital Program will teach you the basics of communication skills, personality styles, how to meet needs. Get personal and couples mentoring to overcome challenges during your courtship.