Think Brilliant. Feel Brighter. Do Better.


Begin the New Year Better.

See what our clients say.


What We Do

Noor means light, vision, illumination. Become the human you are meant to be.


Spiritual Counseling


Mental Health Coaching


Practical Tools


Think Brilliant. Feel Brighter. Do Better.


Today Muslims face unique challenges

as they try to balance cultural, religious and societal influences into their daily lives.

Modern therapy offers treatment based on western models of the human condition. While effective in some ways, it tends to lack essential beliefs, values and direction for some conscious Muslims for whom spirituality and psychology are intertwined.

On the other hand, some local Imams may concentrate on religious practices without knowing how to provide a custom personal process for growth. While connection to the Divine is a core value, the "pray more" method is not always a holistic solution for life's problems.

Noor bridges the gap between these two poles.


An integral service model.

Allowing members to access a team of experts at the same time for their personal, relational and spiritual goals.


How this works


Share your story with one of our experienced and dedicated providers that value your personal context and spiritual journey.

Get insights, support and solutions for your spiritual-social matters, love and family needs or productivity.

Scheduling is easy.

Self schedule anytime from anywhere. You have the option to register for an account or book appointments as a guest.

Select a provider and timezone to book the same day or lock in future appointments. Get access to any service with any one of our team providers.

Sessions are 50 or 75 minutes, available via mobile and video.



1- Single Sessions: Make payments each time you schedule a single appointment.

2) Monthly Subscriptions: 100-300 minutes per month with great value! Custom plans available upon request.

3) Packages: Get a set of session credits up front within expiration date.


Affiliations & Friends